Wow What A Year & Its not over yet
I know the year isn't over yet, but man I don't know if we can fit any more into it. A year ago I was starting my discipleship training school. Little did I know that I would meet my husband during this time. Let alone be married by July and be pregnant with twins. Man this has to be the best year ever!!!!
Now that the dust has settled, I have officially joined YWAM staff here in Kansas City. I love everything about it. I am currently the team leader of our housing department. You had me at office work and organization!!! Yes please. I even brought my label maker to work. Hehe yep I am that nerdy and loving it. I am hoping to still be able to do it after the babies are born. Does YWAM let you tote your baby to work with you?? Guess ill find out ;) I am the only person in my department as the base is only 3 years old and a lot of us are still pioneering each department. With the help of leadership I am building it from the ground up. Fixing the problems that they have had in the past and getting it to where it should be so that when the base grows larger it'll be much easier to manage the housing responsibilities. My hubby joined staff a few weeks ago as well. He is apart of the training department, which is the schools that we run out of the base. He will be helping out with recruiting and mobilizing. We both really wanted to be involved in the October dts, but due to my pregnancy we will not be able to go on outreach :(. I am not suppose to fly in my fourth trimester and if we were to go on outreach i would be flying back right when i am due. Baby trumps outreach, as hard as that is to say. lol I really wanted to go back to India I am not gonna lie. I miss the people and yes I even miss the food. Rice, rice and more rice!!! But mmmm that egg curry was amazing. Great now I am craving Indian food. We do get to interact with the 80+ students that are currently apart of the school. Between cleaning duties, work duties and doing one on ones we have gotten to know a few of them really well. They are a fiery bunch and I know they will impact India for Jesus in a entirely new way. Cant wait to hear all the stories that they come back with. Luke will be staffing the January dts and I will be helping with it, but since my housing responsibilities take up most of my time I will probably just be helping with one on ones and things like that.
Married life is great! It feels like we have been married for so much longer then three and a half months. We didn't really have to adjust to living together or communicating as a married couple, it just felt so normal. Finding out you are pregers with pretty much a wedding night baby makes it all hit home really fast for you. Not only are we married but on our first year anniversary we will be married with two kids lol. The pregnancy really hasn't changed our lives too much. I didn't have any morning sickness in the first trimester (thank God), I was just really tired all the time. I would seriously sleep like 10-11 hours a night. All that has really changed is now I go to bed around 10 instead of midnight. I haven't had any weird cravings yet. I love food and am a huge snacker, which my poor hubby hates! I can buy a bunch of snacks and they will last a long time in the house cause I portion control really well. He does not. So He would just rather not have those things in the house. I seriously should not be allowed in the grocery store. The things I come home with and the look on Luke's face when he sees what all I brought home says it all. Pregnant women should not be allowed to grocery shop by themselves!!! Ice cream, cereal, chocolate, potato chip, need I say more...Now that I have probably made you very hungry for all of these unhealthy snacks. lol sorry
I love life on base. We are surrounded by amazing Godly people. I bring my computer with me to work and play worship music all day!! Makes it a lot easier to respond to emails and questions all day. (not complaining i love it!!) We have weekly church meetings which we call "Thursday night gathering". I love worshiping with my community. We have different cultures and languages. It is amazing to be apart of. Knowing that my leaders are 100% behind me to help me succeed in what the Lord has for my life is the best feeling. They are more focused on my heart and my relationship with God then they are about their list of projects that need to get done. Honestly it has been an adjustment to get used to that. I am so used to punching a clock and getting projects done and as long as you showed up on time and did what you were told your managers liked you. I had to get used to it being okay to be at the prayer room during my "work day". The first couple of weeks I would try and get as much as i could done and most nights take work home with me cause I am such a task oriented person. lol Now I have gotten used to having a to do list and it being okay to take a few days to get done. He is still working on me. We are always a work in progress until we meet him face to face.
I am so incredibly thankful for a God who loves me and always knows best. I can only imagine what else he has in store for our lives.