Friday, November 8, 2013

Holy Ghost Hijacked

                                   Holy Ghost Hijacked

    Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. I have never done something like this, so bare with me.
Well, to start out I am guessing you are all wondering why I chose to name my blog "Holy Ghost Hijacked". This may take some time to explain. It all started ten years ago, but for your sake it starts way before that. I have been a Christian all my life. I have known God and loved him ever since I can remember. Ten years ago my mom brought me down to Kansas City for a women's conference that the International House Of Prayer (IHOP). That's when I heard about a summer teen internship they were hosting. I went later that year and I instantly knew I wanted to move down here. My best friend and I agreed we wanted to do a longer internship after we graduated from high school. When the time came to apply for the internship my best friend got accepted right away. I however was dating a guy at the time. The internship was six months long. I asked him what he thought about me going down. His exact words were "if you go down to Kansas City we wont be dating any more, I don't do long distance". Me being the stupid 18 year old that I was, stayed back in Minnesota to be with him. Needless to say that relationship did NOT turn out that great.
After we broke up I started living a very selfish life style. I drank, slept around and pretty much only allowed God into my life when I needed something. I had two different groups of friends. One that I went to the bars with and knew me for a girl who loved to have fun and drink. Then the other group of friends knew my belief in God. The two groups of friends never interacted with each other. I didn't want my party friends to think I was a "bible thumper", and I didn't want my church friends to think I was this party animal who didn't have her life together. I only had a few people who knew both sides of my life. I could trust them with everything.
I lived like that for a few years. When I turned 23 I was working in Grafton Wisconsin for three months. I had met a guy out there and ended up dating him for 3 1/2 years. We had a lot of ups and downs. More downs then anything, but I'm not the kind of person that quits. When I commit to something I am determined to see it through. Which isn't always a good thing. In the middle of all this my Dad was given 6 weeks to live. We didn't have the best relationship. Growing up I remember lots of good times with him, but as soon as I hit teen years things changed. We weren't on speaking terms at the time I found out about his diagnosis. I had been meaning to talk to him about everything I felt but didn't know how. Now I had no choice, but how do you tell a dying man you feel like he wasn't a good father for more than half your life?? I prayed and prayed hard. I gave God full control over the situation with my dad and He ran with it. Not only did He restore things with my dad before he passed away, but He changed me forever. He started working on my heart in that moment. My boyfriend at the time and I were still together. We were doing great, until one night we sat down and had a hard talk. I was living in Minnesota and he was living in Wisconsin. The plan was for him to move to Minnesota to be with me as I didn't want to move out of Minnesota. We ended up talking about it and he told me that he didn't want to move. I told him I didn't want to resent him for taking me away from my family when I wasn't ready. Long story short we decided to break up. It wasn't easy but God gave me complete peace about it.
After that I sat and asked God " what??". I felt like he was telling me to go back to school so I started a semester of college with a major in nursing. Meanwhile my mom (God bless her) kept bringing up the fact that I have always wanted to go to Kansas City and that now is the perfect time. I was thinking to myself "No, I'm too old, that dream died a long time ago." It took an email from my first pastors wife to spark my interest in coming down. That same pastor - Mark Anderson - is now the director of YWAM KC. I had always wanted to do an internship through IHOP but I had never thought of doing anything with YWAM. I'm not a missionary. Or so I thought. I asked her what the difference is between the internships. Basically YWAM trains you how to be a missionary and then sends you out on an outreach. I liked the fact that I would get to leave the country. So I prayed and asked God for a sign. Without getting into too much detail for one blog God provided the money to come down in the most random ways. I am so happy He did, because I know for the first time in my life that I am exactly where I belong.
So the name "Holy Ghost Hijacked" comes from the fact that God pretty much took over my life because CLEARLY He knew better then I did.
Thanks for those of you who are reading this. Hope you enjoyed the first of many blogs.

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