Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas from India

Well I got woken up by my roomie Grace with a shout out MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! As cute as it was, it was early and I didn't sleep well. I responded with a very quiet Merry Christmas. lol She seems like she was the kid at home waking everyone else up at 5 a.m. saying ITS CHRISTMAS, TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS!! Apparently I was right! lol

We started our morning as usual with 7 a.m. stretches on the roof. There is a rule during jumping jacks, that if you say the last number we have to start all over. For example: if we do 20 jumping jacks we would only say 19. Don't ask why I think its a Korean thing. When we started a week ago we began with 10 jumping jacks and have worked our way up. Today was 40. Due to the fact that Dan Kimm said 40 meant we did another 40. Starting the day off with stretching and 80 jumping jacks!! Amen 

We went to the local church and sang a few songs and performed a skit that we made of the birth of Jesus. Yeah...about that..maybe ill post the video one day for you all to witness the lack of talent we have. Either way it was hilarious and we had fun. The pastor really enjoyed it. The church was doing their Christmas celebration and we were lucky to be apart of it. They sang songs, had cake, and just enjoyed themselves. There was a time of prayer at the end, which is always good. What better way to celebrate the birth of Jesus then praying for people!!! It beats opening presents any day of the week. 

We spent the afternoon worshiping, reading the word, and just being family. I had a little bit of a melt down this morning. Not because I was going through anything but because a few people here are having a really hard time being away from home. When people I love are hurting and there is nothing I can do about it, it breaks my heart. All I can do is be there for them but it just doesn't seem like its enough. I just want to take their hurt away. 

Our afternoon got a little hijacked. We spent a bunch of time praying and interceding for our families, mainly our mothers. So mom you should have woken up feeling loved and at peace. We were hijacked to go to our neighbors here to pray and celebrate a first birthday. It was really random. Didn't really like the fact that we didn't have a choice but to go, no one spoke good English, and the house had shrines to different Gods. Good thing my God is greater than anything. We only stayed for 10 minutes. They were very welcoming and nice. Still it didn't sit right with me. When we got back to our house I knew it was because of my protective nature. How there wasn't much we could do and there was a photographer taking pictures. We had a great time of prayer afterwards that helped a lot. 

Our evening was spent at a near village. We had an outdoor event where we sang songs, performed our amazing Christmas play and one of the local evangelists did some magic tricks. The Gospel was preached and the purpose of Christmas was shared. We prayed for a bunch of people after the event was over. Two people were saved and one person was healed!!!! Amen 

I am so tired but it was truly the best way to spend Christmas. Hope you all had a great and blessed Christmas. 

Christmas eve in India

It doesn't feel like Christmas eve. It's mid 80s here and we have the day off. Because Akka is at home for a few days we can't really go anywhere.

I woke up this morning a little sad that we wouldn't really have a Christmas. 

After breakfast Daniel Minn asked us what the best present we have ever gotten was. For a while i couldn't answer. I love giving gifts. I start Christmas shopping in September because I like to take my time in finding the best gift for the people in my life. I really put effort into finding the perfect present that will touch the heart of the person I am giving it to. A few examples: One of my best friends and I have been friends since new years eve 1999. So we have always said our anniversary is new years eve. On new years 2009 we decided to buy 10th anniversary presents. Yes i know we are special, get passed it. I shopped around for awhile and found this beautiful necklace. She loved it. She said it replaced the one her ex boyfriend gave her. A few Christmases ago I bought my mom her first Coach purse. I still remember her face when she opened it. She was so shocked. She yelled out COACH!!!! I have the pictures to prove it. Two Christmases ago I bought my boyfriend at the time a jersey from the quarter back of his favorite football team, along with a few things I knew he loved. Along with the few scrapbooks I have made my Grandma that make her cry every time.

Receiving gifts isn't one of my love languages, however I do like getting them. I don't really feel like I have ever gotten a gift that felt like there was a lot of thought and effort put into it. *Disclaimer: my mom buys really good gifts but I am usually with her when she buys them for me so does that count?? Although usually her really good gifts are the I love you gifts now Christmas cause she can't wait to give them to us. lol Love you mommy. Anyways, God reminded me of Christmas two years ago. Theres a bit of a back story behind it. As many of you know, my dad past away two years ago. I was never close with his side of the family. Throughout the years i would only see them on Christmas eve. I couldn't tell you all of their names because i never knew them. My dad has seven siblings. I was only close with one of them. His sister Janice, her husband Grant, her son Jeff and his wife Mary Jane. They would come to all my birthdays, my graduation, and we have dinner dates all the time. Sh was the only one I really felt actually loves me on his side of the family. (That has changed over the past two years but thats for a different post) So on the first Christmas with out him she gave me a gift and on the card it said "From auntie Janice, uncle Grant, and your Daddy. It was a China set from Hong Kong. It means so much to me. Not because of what it is even though I love the gift, but because of the meaning behind it. After I shared that Daniel Minn shared about his relationship with his father. It wasn't always good. Before his dad passed away he told Daniel that if he could do life over, he would do family better.

I immediatly started crying. For those of you who don't know, I had a very rocky relationship with my dad. My parents were never married. He never really knew how to show that he loved me. really long story short, it got to the point where I stopped talking to him. After not answering his calls for a month (which was about three calls) he stopped calling. A few weeks later it was my birthday. Now even though I was mad and hurt I still wanted him to call. I'm like an M&M, hard on the outside, soft in the middle. Well he didn't call. Fathers day was a week and a half later. I didn't call him. Yes i could have handled it better, yes i could have not sank down to his level. I should have acted out of love, I know that now. Maybe one day I will share how God healed our relationship and changed my heart towards him, but until then you are just getting the brief overview. 

So on Fathers day he called my Grandma, my uncle and my mom to complain to all of them that I didn't call him. My moms response is one of the MANY reasons I love her so much. She flat out asked him "well did you call her on her birthday?". He said "no". Her response "Why would she call you when you didn't call her on her birthday? You need to be the adult and realize that your daughter is hurting. So what if she didn't answer a few phone calls. You keep calling until she picks up!" All he could say was "Oh". 

Fast forward a year and we haven't spoken at all. I was working one night and was at the emergency room with one of my clients. I received a phone call from a close family friend. He informed me that my dad was given 6 weeks to live. Now I had years of hurt and brokenness towards him. How do I deal with all of it and the fact that he will be passing away soon? Answer: You give it to God. After I got off work I called him. He is not in a god mood. I mean how would you feel if you were just given a month and a half to live. I was mad that he didn't call his only daughter and tell her himself. to sum it all up, God took control of the situation, healed my heart towards my dad, and changed my life forever. 

The one thing that still gets to me is that way I should have loved him. I am good at loving the people in my life. I love well. With that said, before I fully started living a Godly life. As great and passionate as I loved I also hated. If I didn't liek you, you knew it! My dad wasn't perfect, he was a broken human just like the rest of us. My one thing is that I deprived him of my love. I know that hurt him. God has shown me a lot about that. One day I will share it all with you. 

So what I though wasn't going to be a good Christmas eve has turned into a very good one. Merry Christmas from India. 

Making Straight my path

First off I want to apologize for my previous post. We had limited time fr internet and I had a lot I needed to get done. So I was extremely scatter brained and kind of just word vomited on the blog post. With that said its my blog and I do what I want! So don't judge. lol just kidding in India is good. The people here are so welcoming (for the most part), its still a little surprising to see people popping a squat on the side of the road. I have gotten used to sleeping on the floor. However i am looking forward to a nice long massage and adjustment when I get home.

While in Kansas City and a lot since I have been in India God has really been speaking to me about the path that He has me on. While in Kansas City I got a few words from people. One of the leaders in the school had a word which said "I saw an old telephone operator station with a bunch of holes and plugs. He is plugging the cords of my life into the right holes. He is aligning the desires of your heart when you were a child into now". While praying one night He showed me a picture. I was walking down a dirt path, trees and bushes were growing on either side of the path. I asked God what it meant. He said "these are the seeds I am planting in your life this season." As I kept walking down the path I came to an exit. He said "I am redirecting your path". I asked Him if I am suppose to move to Kansas City, He said "yes" (saweeeeeeeet!!! Amen). As I went up the exit ramp I was immediately in a car. Jesus was in the back seat. As we exited on to what looked like a highway I asked Him what I am suppose to do in KC. All of a sudden a bright light shown. Everything in front of me was shinning. I couldnt see the steering wheel. He said "As long as I am with you, you dont need to know where the road leads."

For over ten years I have wanted to move to KC. It never worked out. Mainly because of my selfish decisions.  Around the same time God gave me a desire to open a home for young expecting mothers who had no where else to go. A house where they can finish high school, learn how to be a mom, learn how to run a household. Over the years I had forgotten about that dream. I tried to fin my own way and purpose in life. I started school for massage therapy and nursing. I worked in retail. I even became a manager at a few companies. Still something was missing.

While in India God has told me that He has made straight my path. He has made clear my destiny. All I have to do is walk through it. 

Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make straight your paths."

Making Straight my path

First off I want to apologize for my previous post. We had limited time fr internet and I had a lot I needed to get done. So I was extremely scatter brained and kind of just word vomited on the blog post. With that said its my blog and I do what I want! So don't judge. lol just kidding in India is good. The people here are so welcoming (for the most part), its still a little surprising to see people popping a squat on the side of the road. I have gotten used to sleeping on the floor. However i am looking forward to a nice long massage and adjustment when I get home.

While in Kansas City and a lot since I have been in India God has really been speaking to me about the path that He has me on. While in Kansas City I got a few words from people. One of the leaders in the school had a word which said "I saw an old telephone operator station with a bunch of holes and plugs. He is plugging the cords of my life into the right holes. He is aligning the desires of your heart when you were a child into now". While praying one night He showed me a picture. I was walking down a dirt path, trees and bushes were growing on either side of the path. I asked God what it meant. He said "these are the seeds I am planting in your life this season." As I kept walking down the path I came to an exit. He said "I am redirecting your path". I asked Him if I am suppose to move to Kansas City, He said "yes" (saweeeeeeeet!!! Amen). As I went up the exit ramp I was immediately in a car. Jesus was in the back seat. As we exited on to what looked like a highway I asked Him what I am suppose to do in KC. All of a sudden a bright light shown. Everything in front of me was shinning. I couldnt see the steering wheel. He said "As long as I am with you, you dont need to know where the road leads."

For over ten years I have wanted to move to KC. It never worked out. Mainly because of my selfish decisions.  Around the same time God gave me a desire to open a home for young expecting mothers who had no where else to go. A house where they can finish high school, learn how to be a mom, learn how to run a household. Over the years I had forgotten about that dream. I tried to fin my own way and purpose in life. I started school for massage therapy and nursing. I worked in retail. I even became a manager at a few companies. Still something was missing.

While in India God has told me that He has made straight my path. He has made clear my destiny. All I have to do is walk through it. 

Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make straight your paths."

Randomness of India

I have been in India for two weeks now. Over that time a bunch of little things happened. So instead of writing a bunch of facebook statuses I am going to be completely random on here instead. So bare with me. Hope you enjoy.

Everyone warned me about the driving in India. To be honest its really not bad. I was expecting a lot worse. It doesn't seem like there are many rules on the road. If there are no body follows them. I was told before coming here that everyone honks their horns constantly. I was expecting it to be loud and obnoxious at all times. Its not that bad. There are so many dogs everywhere. Every once in a while there will be a few ox or cows on the road. The other day we drove past a dead dog in the middle of the road. It was cut in half from being run over. The other night while on the way to an event, we witnessed a dog running across the road a few cars ahead of us. he got past our side of the road just fine, but when he went to cross the other side of the street he ran right into a motorcycle. Knocked the motorcycle over. We drove passed as it happened and the dog was screaming and whining so loud i wanted to jump out and help him. It broke my heart. I almost cried. It looked like he broke his back or at least his back two legs. So of course I started praying for healing for the dog. Yes I believe God can heal animals. Don't judge me!

The food in India is amazing. Now I am not talking about restaurants, shops or any other places. We have the honor of having a cook in our home. She is actually the older sister of one of the leaders back in KC. She is such a wonderful mother/older sister. She makes such great curry. I told her she needs to teach me how to cook a few things so I can cook it back home. Some of my favorite meals are a potato curry, an egg curry, a squash breakfast, Indian style crapes mmmm....put a little (or a lot) of nutella on them and i could eat them all day!! So spoiled. Going to gain weight. Thank the Lord for exercise. My stomach really hasn't minded the food so much. For the first week I was going to the bathroom a lot but its all good now. I know you really wanted to know that. Don't deny it. 

The other night we were waiting for our driver to arrive to take us to an event. While waiting we did some star gazing. The stars here seem so much closer to us. Depending on the pollution we can see the stars pretty well. Its one of my absolute favorite things to do is look up at the stars. A cool summer night or winter night doesn't really matter. A blanket and the stars. One amazing time. My favorite place to look at the stars is at my parents house. Lay on their dock, looking at the stars, hearing the fish jump....awww heaven. 

Im sure this wont be the only random India post i will write. Just a forewarning. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Life in India

We have been in India a little over a week. So far we have only spoken at the local church. We have had a lot of time to really settle into the local culture.
I have realized how little we can really live on. We have running water and a small fridge and electricity. As much as I miss my bed, my car, movies, and the normalcy of American living I realize how much I don't need it.
People here live on so little. They wake up early to start their day before it gets too hot out. Driving around in the local town really makes me want to buy a motorcycle. They are everywhere here. The driving isn't nearly as bad as everyone warned me it would be. I actually quite like it. Im still not used to seeing so many chicken, dogs and cows on the road.
Everyone here stops and stares at us. Sometimes its funny and sometimes its just creepy. The guys here stare and takes pictures. I have to remember to have a gracious heart because the protective side of me wants to yell and them and make them delete the photos they take of us girls. Deep breaths Tiffany...deep breaths.
I am getting really good at killing flies and mosquitos. It helps that they are huge.  I mean they must be on some sort of steroids or something. Its ridiculous.
I have so much time during the day to really seek hard after God. I have never been so hungry for the word. Its amazing. I wake up and read the word. I read in my quiet time. I read before bed. Aw if I could read the Bible in my sleep I would!!! Its so satisfying. God really speaks to me here. I absolutely love it. He is telling me a lot about his plans for my life. What its going to look like and what to do when I get back. 
Life here is good. I cant wait to really start getting into the ministry work. We are preaching to over 100 Hindus tonight so please pray for us. I am preaching at the local church on Sunday. Usually Id be nervous but im actually really excited. Thank God.
While we have been here I have really gotten to know the members on my team on a new level. I love my family here so much. The other night we had a time to really open up to one another. God had me open up which usually I don't let people in and allow myself to feel vulnerable. God asked me to and I listened. I felt so good afterwards. PTL.
It feels like summer here. It doesn't feel like Christmas is in a few days. I hope you all will have a very Merry Christmas. I don't know what we will be doing yet but I know we will be together. It will be a little hard being away from my friends and family for Christmas but God told me He is preparing my mom for not having all of her children there for the holidays. Its a tough lesson but He will provide grace.
Lots of love from India.   

Friday, December 13, 2013

India baby

We made it to India!!
Oh my dear Lord. What an experience already. So to start this off. Leaving Kansas City we did not have our passports. They were waiting to be shipped from Chicago. So two of our leaders drove over night to Chicago to get them from the BLS and meet us at the Chicago air port to give them to us. Our flights were all on the same itinerary and because we were flying out of the country one our second flight we needed to check in with our passports. Long story short and after a bunch of prayer, they figured out a way to make it work so that we did not have to have our passports till we checked in at the Chicago air port.
Our check in at Chicago went smoothly. We were able to sit and enjoy dinner together as a team before getting onto our 12 hour flight to Abu Dhabi. The flight was delayed two hours because the equipment to load water onto the plane was frozen. Which made our layover in Abu Dhabi quite hectic. We had to speed walk to our connecting flight. That flight was only 6 hours long to Hyderabad. Our layover in Hyderabad was about two hours. Then we were Finally on our way to Visakhapatnam.
We landed in Vizag at 8:30 am local time.  We had an Indian breakfast at the airport then headed to our new home. We are so spoiled. We have two houses right next to each other. By houses I mean you walk in the front door and enter the living room/dinning room. There is no furniture. We have a kitchen, a bathroom that has an American toilet and a shower head, two bed rooms. We sleep on the floor which hurts a bunch but its a small price to pay.
The food is great, we have our own cook and driver. We are so spoiled. Our team is amazing. Such a tightknit family. We spend hours a day worshiping, praying and reading the word. In public we have really tried to watch what we say. Like prayer time is pt, praise the Lord is ptl. Which for me makes me smile every time. PTL for the sake of PTL. Love double meaning phrases.
God is so good. I feel him so strongly here. My mind is so focused and He has made my path clear and straight. Cant wait to start our ministry time on Sunday morning. We are giving our testimonies and preaching. The Lord is good and I can not wait to see Him work in the people of India!! Thanks for your prayers. Until next time. Lots of love from India.