Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wow what a year!

Wow What A Year & Its not over yet

I know the year isn't over yet, but man I don't know if we can fit any more into it. A year ago I was starting my discipleship training school. Little did I know that I would meet my husband during this time. Let alone be married by July and be pregnant with twins. Man this has to be the best year ever!!!!

Now that the dust has settled, I have officially joined YWAM staff here in Kansas City. I love everything about it. I am currently the team leader of our housing department. You had me at office work and organization!!! Yes please. I even brought my label maker to work. Hehe yep I am that nerdy and loving it. I am hoping to still be able to do it after the babies are born. Does YWAM let you tote your baby to work with you?? Guess ill find out ;) I am the only person in my department as the base is only 3 years old and a lot of us are still pioneering each department. With the help of leadership I am building it from the ground up. Fixing the problems that they have had in the past and getting it to where it should be so that when the base grows larger it'll be much easier to manage the housing responsibilities. My hubby joined staff a few weeks ago as well. He is apart of the training department, which is the schools that we run out of the base. He will be helping out with recruiting and mobilizing. We both really wanted to be involved in the October dts, but due to my pregnancy we will not be able to go on outreach :(. I am not suppose to fly in my fourth trimester and if we were to go on outreach i would be flying back right when i am due. Baby trumps outreach, as hard as that is to say. lol I really wanted to go back to India I am not gonna lie. I miss the people and yes I even miss the food. Rice, rice and more rice!!! But mmmm that egg curry was amazing. Great now I am craving Indian food. We do get to interact with the 80+ students that are currently apart of the school. Between cleaning duties, work duties and doing one on ones we have gotten to know a few of them really well. They are a fiery bunch and I know they will impact India for Jesus in a entirely new way. Cant wait to hear all the stories that they come back with. Luke will be staffing the January dts and I will be helping with it, but since my housing responsibilities take up most of my time I will probably just be helping with one on ones and things like that. 

Married life is great! It feels like we have been married for so much longer then three and a half months. We didn't really have to adjust to living together or communicating as a married couple, it just felt so normal. Finding out you are pregers with pretty much a wedding night baby makes it all hit home really fast for you. Not only are we married but on our first year anniversary we will be married with two kids lol. The pregnancy really hasn't changed our lives too much. I didn't have any morning sickness in the first trimester (thank God), I was just really tired all the time. I would seriously sleep like 10-11 hours a night. All that has really changed is now I go to bed around 10 instead of midnight. I haven't had any weird cravings yet. I love food and am a huge snacker, which my poor hubby hates! I can buy a bunch of snacks and they will last a long time in the house cause I portion control really well. He does not. So He would just rather not have those things in the house. I seriously should not be allowed in the grocery store. The things I come home with and the look on Luke's face when he sees what all I brought home says it all. Pregnant women should not be allowed to grocery shop by themselves!!! Ice cream, cereal, chocolate, potato chip, need I say more...Now that I have probably made you very hungry for all of these unhealthy snacks. lol sorry

I love life on base. We are surrounded by amazing Godly people. I bring my computer with me to work and play worship music all day!! Makes it a lot easier to respond to emails and questions all day. (not complaining i love it!!) We have weekly church meetings which we call "Thursday night gathering". I love worshiping with my community. We have different cultures and languages. It is amazing to be apart of. Knowing that my leaders are 100% behind me to help me succeed in what the Lord has for my life is the best feeling. They are more focused on my heart and my relationship with God then they are about their list of projects that need to get done. Honestly it has been an adjustment to get used to that. I am so used to punching a clock and getting projects done and as long as you showed up on time and did what you were told your managers liked you. I had to get used to it being okay to be at the prayer room during my "work day". The first couple of weeks I would try and get as much as i could done and most nights take work home with me cause I am such a task oriented person. lol Now I have gotten used to having a to do list and it being okay to take a few days to get done. He is still working on me. We are always a work in progress until we meet him face to face. 

I am so incredibly thankful for a God who loves me and always knows best. I can only imagine what else he has in store for our lives. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I Said Yes!!!!

Holy buckets this entire love story has been absolutely amazing. I couldn't be happier. 

As most of you know, Luke and I met while I was doing a Discipleship Training School in Kansas City MO. We started dating three days after I graduated. It has been the most romantic God filled relationship I could have ever hoped for. I will not go into the details of our love story today. I will save that novel for another time. 

Sit back, relax and grab some Kleenex. Here are the details of our engagement. 

Luke came up last week to spend time getting to know my family and friends. I knew he was going to ask me to marry him; I just didn't know when or how. Going into this past week he told me he was leaving Monday afternoon. I figured if he didn't propose to me by then that he was going to do it that day. Come Monday he still had not popped the question. He woke me up and brought me upstairs where he had made me breakfast. He knows me so well and knows how much I love to eat healthy. So he had a banana, yogurt and apples with peanut butter and homemade granola on them. Sooo good. I was fully expecting the ring right then and there, but nope nothing. After breakfast I was getting ready for the day when he came into my room and told me he had a surprise. He said he had arranged for my mom and I to have dinner at a really nice restaurant in Minneapolis. He wasn't fooling anyone. I figured he would surprise me at the restaurant. We said our goodbyes or as we call them our "see you laters". I started getting ready for dinner. After I was all dressed up we left and were on our way. He called my mom and told her that he had left a surprise for me at my best friends house. I figured it was flowers or something he wanted me to wear to dinner. We pulled up to my friends house and I walked up to the door. Now this is my home away from home. So naturally I don't knock I just walk in. I opened up the front door and immediately noticed a path of rose peddles leading from the door to the sun room. I followed them into the sun room to find a bouquet of roses, a little white box on the table and Luke standing there all dressed up. I yelled at him and told him he was a fibber. I through my arms around him and felt how much he was shaking. OMG so cute!!! He looked at me and for the first time ever told me that he loved me! Me being me....I responded with I like you a lot. He then told me when he first started loving me and why he loves me. To be honest I don't remember a thing he said. I was a little distracted by the white box and secretly hoping to see him cry. He got down on one knee and asked me to be his WIFE. He made sure to enunciate the word wife because when he asked me to be his girlfriend he wasn't fully clear on what he was asking. He wanted me to be more then a girlfriend but less then a wife. There is no term for that so he was having a hard time finding the right words, and of course I ate it all up and was joking about it. My response to him asking me out was " what are you asking me". LOL yes I'm a little mean. So when he asked me to be his wife of course my response was "ill think about it". So i thought about it for about 1.5 seconds and said YES!!!! 

He had my friends dad capture the entire thing on camera and knew to use my whole name!! It was perfect. My parents, my best friend and her parents were all there dying to come in and congratulate us. After words they prayed over us and our marriage. It was so perfect, but the night was just beginning. We still had that surprise dinner to get to. He made reservations for the best restaurant in Minneapolis called the Eatery. It was amazing!! We walked in and gave them our name. They said "oh Luke? Your table is on the second floor, we have a table by the window all set up for you and they are expecting you". Wow, they were so cute. You could tell they knew it was our engagement day. We got complimentary champagne and everyone congratulated us. We tried a few things on the menu. Crab salad, lamb chops, steak, deep fried cauliflower and a great bottle of wine. Mmmmm mmmmm good!!! 

He also had notes written by his parents addressed to me. They wrote about how much they love me and are so happy for us. They talked about how this was the moment they have been praying for for years. It was too sweet. 

But wait there is more!!!

When we got home there was one more surprise waiting for me. He (with the help of my mom) had a nice romantic surprise waiting for me. I walk into our sun room and find my mom's unity candle from her wedding lit along side a heart shaped cake and a bottle of wine. On the ground was a beautiful piece of art that his really good friend made for us. The art work said "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord". We will have it hanging on our wall no matter where we live! The wine was from a wedding Luke was in over three years ago. They gave him the wine as a favor and God told him to keep it for the night that he got engaged. 

If all that was already amazing, Luke had a bucket of water on the floor and had me sit on the couch as he washed my feet as a sign of how he is going to serve me as a husband for the rest of our lives. It was the perfect end to a perfect day!!! I am so in love. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

I am a missionary

Things have been going great here in India the past few weeks. We had a slow start at the beginning, but things are going full speed now. We are doing twice a day ministry to make up for the time that we weren't that busy. Over the past week there has been a lot that stuck out. Here are just a few of the random highlights. 

The other day we went up to a village in the mountains. On the way we randomly stopped at a local market where there was about 1000 people. We brought a microphone, speakers and guitar out and stood in the center of the market. We sang songs, danced and preached the gospel. We were able to preached the gospel to about 300 people. We prayed for about a dozen people. It was amazing. It reminded me of what Jesus did. When he walked into villages and the market preaching. This is what an outreach looks like! People got healed. There was one man who's eye site was restored. Before we left we went across the street to a near by village to pray for a man who has been tormented by demons for the past 6 months. He spent thousands of dollars to get rid of them. He lived by a witch doctor who would perform experiments on him. After we prayed for him, he was delivered and immediately filled with the Holy Spirit. He looked different afterwards. His face was glowing. Honestly going into this trip I was really nervous about going into big crowds and preaching, but it was so amazing. As soon as we pulled over I was filled with so much joy and excitement. I knew God was going to do something great. 

After we left the market we went to an event at a church. We sang songs and performed a skit. The skit is about God's relationship with mankind. Its basically the lighthouse skit. I play mankind, Daniel Kim plays Jesus, Jodi plays Satin, Jeremy is lust, Caitlin is greed and Angelica is alcoholism. The skit is short but very . People love it. Every time we do it people cry (in a good way). It really shows Gods unconditional love for us. I have to fight tears every time we start it. There was one time I was crying at the beginning. The music alone is so powerful. We don't use the same song as the lighthouse skit, but we have a mix of a few different songs that are instrumental. After the skit Daniel Min spoke about faith. It was such a good message. We prayed for quite a few people. I have heard of people getting healed and have seen people get touched by the Holy Spirit, but it has never happened while I was praying for someone. When I have prayed for people in the past that have been sore or not feeling well, they have said they feel better but never healed. While I was praying for a women who had a lump in her arm I physically felt it shrinking!!! My God is real and He heals!!! 

While at the church I saw the pastor crack his elbows in the exact same way I do! A few members of my team saw it to and looked at me and laughed! PTL Almost made my day as much as the healings and salvations did. 

I don't think I explained our transportation to you yet. We have a 7 passenger vehicle. There are ten members in our team, plus the driver and Akka (our house manager-mother) when she comes with. Thank God India doesnt have rules about how many people can be in one car. They have people sitting on the roof of cars and hanging on outside of the car while driving. So having too many people in one car is no big deal right? Its definitely interesting. Two people in the passenger seat, four people in the two seat in the far back, and the rest in the middle seat. I have never felt so close to the people here. lol Its okay for short trips but the one day we had a two hour car ride one way was painful. All for the sake of His kingdom. Amen

This week we toured the beach and the local university for potential ministry sites. The university is over 100 acres and takes up half of the city!!! We did a prayer walk around just one of the campuses. While we were there God told me "this is why you have come to India". I can not wait to see what God is going to do in the young people here. Declaring a house of prayer on campus!!  

Two nights ago we went to a near by village. It was mainly unbelievers. We sang a few songs, did the skit, Esther gave her powerful testimony, and Daniel Kim preached the gospel. It was so powerful. We saw many come to Christ and a few healings. I got to visit the house of a women that we had prayed for last week. When we first met her, she could barely walk, couldnt really eat, or speak. Now she is walking around, talking more and eating. She looks so much healthier. Amen! On the way home we celebrated and worshiped as a family. In that moment I decided this is what I want to do for the rest of my life! Going to the nations, sharing the love of God, healing the broken and setting the captives free! 

While being here God has also showed me a few things in my personal life. He has shown me things about my leadership. Giving me discernment on when to be a sister, when to lead, when to follow, and when to give tough love or just be a shoulder to cry on. The hardest part about it all is knowing that someone on my team is going through something and having God tell me to just be a punching bag. Usually when I see someone is going through something, I go to them to talk about it. He has asked me a few times to just allow people to take things out on me. Through that He has brought up things in my life and it also allows people to work through their own things with God. It has taught me to rely on Gods timing on when to address things and how He wants me to handle it. I have learned how to love the crap out of people. Literally loving their junk out of their lives. 

Here are the numbers for the outreach thus far:
Total People Preached To: 2,074
Total People Preached the Gospel To: 775
Total People Prayed For: 737
Total Salvations: 28
Total Healings: 70
Re-Commitments: 19
Deliverances: 4
Filled With The Holy Spirit: 28

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37-38
Here I am Lord, send me!! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy

Today would have been my dads 62nd birthday. It has been two years, two months, one week and two days since he passed away. 

To really tell this story properly I need to start at the beginning. I warn you ahead of time, this is going to be a long post, so please stick with me. This is really a story about Gods redemption power. 

My parents were never married. When I was two years old, my dad fell off a roof of a house and broke his spinal cord. He was instantly paralyzed from the chest down. He could still move his arms. He never let it stop him from learning new things or get in the way of doing the things he loved to do. He played soft ball on a national softball league, he played golf, he hunted, fished, and even learned how to snow sky down the rocky mountains.

 He was always in the picture. He always came to family events, Christmases, birthdays, even if they weren't mine. He got along great with my step dad. Growing up he was a great father. Always calling me, taking me out for dinner dates, took me to his soft ball games all the time. I fully enjoyed every minute I got to spend with him. I loved watching him live life. He never let his circumstances hold him back from anything. We took many trips to Red Lodge, Montana to go snow skiing. Wow what an amazing place! I love the small town feel of Red Lodge, and the mountains are breath taking! At first I wasn't very good, but he loved watching me learn. I was so proud of him. He would ski in a special ski that was designed for people who were handicapped. It was basically a chair with two skies under it. He held onto two small poles that were flat on the bottom to help him steer. He would have a guide helping him, which basically was a guy holding onto a rope that was attached to the back of the chair and skied behind him. There were times where I would yell at him cause he was taking too much of a risk. There was one time where he flipped over front wards a few times and I scolded him like a kid. I told him "you are already paralyzed do you want to break your neck too!?!?" lol yes even at a young age I was bossy and protective. He would just look at me, laugh, and say "Eh what wont kill me will make me stronger". He didn't care he was having fun. 

When I was about 15 years old, my family moved about a half hour north. Which meant we lived almost an hour away from him. It made it harder for us to get together. I was also growing up and I think it was hard for him to relate to the women I was becoming instead of viewing me as a little girl. Our communication changed, he didn't really know how to relate to me anymore. I think it pushed him over the edge when I started dating boys. What dad wants to see their little girl going off with a boy at the age of 16. It didn't help that by the age of 18 I was dating a guy who was almost 6 years older than me and I was smoking and drinking. He stopped asking me what was going on in my life. I felt like he stopped caring, and really didn't know who I was. It was hard to try and have a relationship with someone who didn't invest anything into it. He was a great man and had love to give, just didn't know how to.  

Over the next few years our relationship really was basically dinner dates every few months and phone calls once in a while, which usually only lasted for about 10 minutes. He would tell me what was going on in his life and then at the very end would spend about a minute asking me what was going on in my life, but by that time I thought he was just asking for the sake of asking so I would always respond with an "Im good, work is good, life is good". We became very distant. When I was 23 I was dating a guy, and it came time for him to meet my parents. I thought long and hard if I was going to invite my dad over. My thoughts were "how can he approve of a guy im dating if he doesn't know anything about me or what I want". I decided to invite him only because I didn't want him to find out that I had my mom and step dad meet the guy I was dating and not him. I didn't want his feelings to get hurt was the only reason I invited him. He came up to my mom's house and didn't say hi to the guy I was dating, barely said anything to me. The rest of us were in the dinning room playing a game while both my dads were in the other room playing cribbage. He left after about an hour of being there and said (very sarcastically) "well it was nice getting to know your boyfriend". I was livid! My mom actually called him afterwards and yelled at him. Which is something she had to do often. He called me and apologized so I forgave him and tried to really have a relationship with him. 

A few months later we made a dinner date. As usual it was my pick for the restaurant. My dad really spoiled me when it came to where we ate. He loved crab legs, I would order chicken tenders. I hated the smell and the look of crab legs. He would always try and get me to taste them, I finally did and loved them. So of course I ordered them all the time, he would complain that I was getting expensive. I would tell him it was all his fault for making me try them, I was content with my chicken tenders. So for our date night I wanted to introduce him to my new favorite restaurant, Benihana. If you have never been I highly recommend it. Its absolutely amazing. Sushi, chicken, steak, fried rice, shrimp, veggies.....don't even get me started on the shrimp sauce mmmmmm. Okay Tiffany focus, back on track. Going into that night I knew I had to test the waters to see how he would handle a real heart to heart. So before I talked to him about our relationship I decided to talk to him about his relationship with a few of his siblings. He has 7 siblings. He was only really close with a few of them. I brought up his relationship with one of his sisters and one of his brothers. I won't get into details, but basically I just asked him how the relationships got to where they were. He blamed everything on the other persons and didn't take responsibility for anything. I told him even if what he was saying was true that it takes two for a relationship to go bad. He yelled at me in the middle of the restaurant. I let it go after about a half hour of trying to talk to him about it. I got into my car and balled. I cried so hard I could barely drive. If that was how he reacted to a conversation about his siblings, I could only imagine how the conversation about his relationship with his only child would go. After that we didn't really talk much, he would call every few weeks and sometimes I would pick up. He knew I was mad but didn't know why. I shut down, I stopped answering his phone calls. I had nothing more to say to him.

Soon after that it was my birthday, he has never missed my birthday. That year he didn't call. Two weeks later it was fathers day, I didn't call him. I should have but I was immature. I felt justified in my actions. "Why would I call him, he didn't call me on my birthday." He called all my relatives to complain that I didn't contact him for fathers day. My grandma yelled at me, then I explain that he didn't call me on my birthday. She immediately got mad and would say things like "thats not right" or "why would he do that" lol my grandma is hilarious. I know it was wrong of me not to call but at that time in my life I felt like I was right. My mom was one of the people he called. As you read in my previous post about it, she told him how she felt. After that he stopped trying to get a hold of me. 

Every Christmas eve we would get together and go to his side of the family. I will be completely honest with you. I hated going. I was only close with one of his siblings, her son and his wife. I only knew a few of their names because I only saw them on Christmas. I felt like they were fake. I come from a family that gets together every birthday and all the holidays. My moms side of the family is pretty close, its also pretty small so its easier to get together. I didn't feel like they truly cared about me because they had never made an effort outside of Christmas. In the past couple of years it was different because he was in the hospital for one Christmas, the weather was too bad to drive in the next Christmas. So I decided not to go that year because I hadn't talked to him or anyone on that side of the family for almost 6 months. 

At that point he had had a few surgeries to fix some bed sores. For those of you who don't know what bed sores are, they are basically caused by having pressure in the same spot for too long. Since he had been paralyzed for over 20 years and literally sitting on his butt the entire time, he developed them. The doctors did skin graphs from his legs. They did about 5-6 surgeries. He was having nurses come to his house to change out the bandages and were suppose to be taking care of him. In June a good friend of his went to visit him and stood him up . He noticed that one of the sores was down to the bone. The nurses weren't doing the job they were hired to do. When a bed sore isn't properly cleaned and bandaged it becomes infected. When that happens the infection can spread to the rest of your body. He was put in an assisted living home. He had been in a few of those before to recover after having a surgery so I didn't really think anything of it.

While I was at work one night I received a phone call and was informed that my dad had been given 6 weeks to live. I was shocked, mad, sad, confused. I didn't know how to respond. So after work I called my dad for the first time in over a year. I asked him why he didn't call me himself to tell me. He apologized, I was still mad because I was just informed that someone I love so much had a month and a half left. There were so many thoughts going through my head. I knew I needed to fix our relationship, but had no clue how to. That night while the staff was transferring him into bed, something went wrong and they broke his leg. He was sent to the hospital to get it fixed. The doctor told him they could fix his leg or remove both legs. Removing both legs would have extended his life a little while. It would have removed the infected tissue of the bed sores. He decided to just fix his leg. I decided not to visit him after his surgery. I didn't want my first time seeing him in over a year to be at a hospital. I knew I couldn't handle it. So I waited till he got sent back home. I asked my mom to come with me because she is a great support system. We pulled up and he was outside smoking a cigarette. We went inside and starting playing cribbage. It didn't take long for things to get tense. The way I play is if you are counting your points and miss a few I will tell you, instead of being mean and letting you take less points. He was getting mad and started yelling at me. Right then I knew that I couldn't tell him how I felt. I left after playing just two games with him. 

I was so discouraged. How was I going to tell a dying man how I felt. At this point in my life I was not really walking with God. I would go to church every once in awhile, but I rarely let him in my life. I was living for myself and making my own decisions. I am a very strong person and I can handle a lot, but I was lost. I had no clue how to do this. I prayed hard that night. I gave God control over the situation. He told me to write my dad a letter. Through giving Him control over that area of my life He did so much more. He showed me how He viewed my dad, He changed my heart towards him, I became the person I used to be instead of the selfish person I was choosing to be. I fell in love with God all over again. I would go visit my dad before work. I went to high school with one of the nurses that worked with my dad. I asked her to read to letter to him. He called me later that night and all he said was "Tiffany I love you". Which says so much more in his words. 

During this time I got really close with his twin brother (Cal) who was kind of handling all of my dads affairs. One day I received a phone call from him while I was at work. This was the call I was dreading. I didn't want to answer it. My mind was distracted when I first picked up. He had to repeat it a few times "Tiff....Ted past away this morning". Wait what! "Your cousin, he pasted away this morning".  Cals only son, who had twins on the way. I wont go into details but it was heart breaking. I left work and went straight to his house. I hadn't seen most of that side of the family in years. I didn't know what to expect but I didn't care. I wanted to be there for him. I decided not to tell my dad that my cousin passed away. I didn't want to make matters worse for him. The funeral was hard for many reasons. Unfortunately I wasn't really close with my cousin, but it was still hard to watch my family go through it. 

During this time I went to visit my dad as much as I could. Knowing how much he loved crab legs, my mom, grandma and I brought him Red Lobster. I felt like I was brining him his last supper. He refused to eat the potatoes or the veggies, all he wanted was the crab legs. It didn't take long for the infection to spread to the rest of his body. He was joking around and playing cards on Sunday, falling asleep a lot in his chair on Monday, then bed ridden on Tuesday. I got to his house Tuesday morning and imminently called into work for the rest of the week. At that point I knew he was "actively dying". One of the nurses had put on a Christian music station on the tv, so there was worship going on 24/7. When you are in that state the body reacts in certain ways due to the infection and the drugs you are on. He would sit up randomly and say things that barely made sense. He would sit up say "mommy" and reach out to hug her. She passed away 4 years prior. There was one point where Cal and I were making fun of one of the family members hair styles. My dad really loves the person we were mocking. He started moaning and almost yelling at us. He understood everything that was going on around him, he just couldn't really communicate. I sat by his bed side for hours every day, holding his hand. There was one point where I needed to use the restroom, so my mom held his hand while I was gone. He immediately started moaning. I had to tell him that I would be right back. Then he stopped. Things were good again. 

I spent all day there on Thursday, holding his hand and talking to him. My mom was with me the entire time. I left around 7 and she stayed. I had to work at 6 the next morning and wasn't feeling well. She stayed for a few hours reading the bible and praying with him. Because of the state he was in he couldn't move his head, so she got into his line of site and said to him "things are good with you and Tiff, you can let go now". The next morning at work I was talking with a few of my co-working about it. They asked me how he was doing and how I was handling it. I said "As much as I don't want to loose him, I hate to see him in pain. I don't want him to suffer anymore. I want him to go and be in peace." Not even 5 minutes later I got the phone call. "Tiff, your dads gone". 

Through all of this the Lord has done so much in my life. I gave him access to one part of my heart and He cleaned house. He brought me back to the person I was created to be. He restored my relationship with my dad, and his side of the family. He taught me to be quick to forgive. He also showed me that in relationships its not about being right or wrong, its about truly honoring the other person. Even writing this post was hard. I felt like I was talking bad about him. When I look back, I don't see the hurt. I only see the good things. I see God in it all. 

I wouldn't have joined YWAM if it wasn't for all of this. I wouldn't be the person I am today. As painful as all of it was, I am so grateful that God not only redeemed me, but he restored my past, present and future. 

"The Lord redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned." Psalm 34:22 

Phillip Nicholas Prise 01/13/52-11/04/11

What is true worship?

Worship looks different in everyone. It's dancing, raising your hands, kneeling down, standing still or even just sitting in his presence. It doesn't matter what you do, what matters is where your heart is. If you are raising your hands because that is what you see everyone else doing or kneeling down because you think it makes you look more "holy", that is not worship. It is fake, your heart is not in it. If your heart is not in it, don't do it. God would rather have you sit down during worship and look bored then to go through the motions. "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth" 
Revelation 3:16.

I love worship, its hands down my favorite part of church. I love to sing, even though I am not that good. When I was younger, I would lock myself in my room and turn on one of my worship dvds. Usually they were from one of the conferences my mom and I had gone to. I loved to listen to Todd Gunovski, Julie Meyer and Misty Edwards. I would play them and dance in my room. I loved to dance even when I wasn't really living a godly lifestyle. Obviously in different ways, but we won't go there. 

When I was about 14 years old, my mom and I were on a women's dance team. It was basically women from a few different churches and their daughters. We would perform at churches, malls and I think they did a wedding or two. I was a part of that for about a year. I would dance in my churches Christmas performances as well. I remember one year my mom and another woman from church were in charge of it. It was amazing. We had a bunch of people involved in it. It turned out great. 

I stopped dancing for worship while in youth group. I don't really remember why I stopped. I think it was a mix of my age, not wanting to look different than the rest of the kids or stand out in any way, not wanting people to look at me or just the fact that I was starting to walk away from my relationship with God. No matter what the reason I stopped worshiping in the way I know He created me to worship. Now I know everyone worships differently. I love every form of worship. No matter what it looks like. I just know for me sometimes singing and raising my hands just isn't enough. Sometimes I gotta DANCE! Almost feel a holy ghost party coming on...maybe later. 

When I stopped I really robbed myself of connecting with God during worship. I would still sing and raise my hand but there was something missing. I just forgot what it was. Since I have really started living my life for God again He has been speaking to me about dancing. He has told me that I should start dancing again, and that He is going to do so much in me and through me when I dance. "Ugh! really God do I have to?? You know how long its been since I have danced like that?? 13 years God 13 years!!!" I like to complain a lot. Usually He responds with one word and makes me laugh. One of the things he said he was going to do through me dancing was really touch the heart of the women here in India. That made matters worse! That added pressure. So during our worship time at our house I would go into the kitchen and dance. It took me a little while to get back into it and I am still working on it. 

My leader saw a vision of me dancing on the stage and how it was touching the hearts of the women and children. Great now I really have to do it. Okay God give me grace. So I made sure to dance every time we had our team worship time. Which meant more and more of the team would see me dance. I am still getting used to that.

The other night we were invited to a village and given an hour and a half slot to fill. We usually only got 30-40 minutes. That was huge! So we were coming up with ideas on how to fill the slot. We already had a skit prepared and a few songs with hand motions, but I heard God say "I want you to dance". So I looked at my leader and said very softly...."I can dance". The team prayed for me and I immediately heard God say, "I am fully restoring you back into the woman I created you to be". Later that night I danced in front of over 100 people in a village. It was amazing, I felt God's presence so strongly. My heart was pounding afterwards. It felt wonderful. 

" But the hour is coming, and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." John 4:23

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Years

I can sum up my 2013 in one word, redemption. God has redeemed so much in my life this past year. He started healing my brokenness about two years ago. I knew I was forgiven and that I want to live my life differently, but this past 4 months He has really shown me that my past isn't who I am. I am who He says I am and He sees me as pure and spotless. My head knowledge of his redemption became heart knowledge. I used to think that because of my past I didn't deserve as much as I could have if I chose to live a better life. God has really shown me that because of who I am in him, I deserve the best He has to offer me. Not just with my personal life, but also desires of my heart that I had forgotten about.

I had forgotten how to dream big. Its hard to dream big and pray big when you feel like you deserve so little in life. Knowing my identity is in Him and only Him, it allows me to not hold anything back. I pray the big things and the little things. I pray about what He wants me to do with my time during the day, I pray about what He wants me to do when I get home, I also pray about the ministry that He has for me. Nothing is too big for him, but He also cares about the little things on our hearts and mind. 

Looking ahead to 2014, I cant wait to see what He has in store for me. Obviously I have a few things I'd like to see take place this year but I am daily laying them at His feet. I want what He has for me and my life and nothing less! I want to see my entire family saved and walking with the Lord, I pray that this year will lay the foundation for the ministry that He has for me, I want to be used mightily for His kingdom this year (and every year). I don't make new years resolutions because I think they are pointless, I do the same thing I do everyday. I pray and ask God what He has for me. This time its for an entire year. lol 

Past new years I would celebrate by going to a bar, going to a house party, or just being stupid. Last year I worked 16 hours, got home, had a glass of wine while watching a little bit of the one thing conference, then went to be by 10:30. I had to work at 7am for another 16 hours. What can I say I loved my job and the people I worked for. Only thing I would have rather done would have been actually being at the one thing conference. For those of you who do not know what the conference is, go to and look up the onething conference. Its free, its amazing, it will change your life!!!! 

New years in India was absolutely amazing. Its still doesn't feel like its January. Its -8 degrees back home and its 87 here. Not rubbing it in, just stating a fact. We changed our daily schedule a little bit due to new years eve. Our morning and afternoon schedule was the same but after dinner we switched things up a bit.  We spent time as a team going around and giving our testimony for 2013 and what God really did in our lives. Then had a time of praying and prophesying over one another. It was great! I want to do that every new years no matter where I am or who I am with. Around 11pm we spent time with Akka and our cooks and prayed over them and worshiped all together. We worshiped up to new years, wished each other happy new years and took communion as a team. It was the best New Years I have ever had. Akka made fresh grape juice, and we bought bread and the local market. Wow is all I can saw. Our neighbors set off a bunch of fire works which made me miss home a little bit, but I am 100% okay being here. I am excited to see how God is going to move here in India for the 8 weeks I have left here, and what He going to do in my life when I get back home. 

Happy New Years from India!!!!