Things have been going great here in India the past few weeks. We had a slow start at the beginning, but things are going full speed now. We are doing twice a day ministry to make up for the time that we weren't that busy. Over the past week there has been a lot that stuck out. Here are just a few of the random highlights.
The other day we went up to a village in the mountains. On the way we randomly stopped at a local market where there was about 1000 people. We brought a microphone, speakers and guitar out and stood in the center of the market. We sang songs, danced and preached the gospel. We were able to preached the gospel to about 300 people. We prayed for about a dozen people. It was amazing. It reminded me of what Jesus did. When he walked into villages and the market preaching. This is what an outreach looks like! People got healed. There was one man who's eye site was restored. Before we left we went across the street to a near by village to pray for a man who has been tormented by demons for the past 6 months. He spent thousands of dollars to get rid of them. He lived by a witch doctor who would perform experiments on him. After we prayed for him, he was delivered and immediately filled with the Holy Spirit. He looked different afterwards. His face was glowing. Honestly going into this trip I was really nervous about going into big crowds and preaching, but it was so amazing. As soon as we pulled over I was filled with so much joy and excitement. I knew God was going to do something great.
After we left the market we went to an event at a church. We sang songs and performed a skit. The skit is about God's relationship with mankind. Its basically the lighthouse skit. I play mankind, Daniel Kim plays Jesus, Jodi plays Satin, Jeremy is lust, Caitlin is greed and Angelica is alcoholism. The skit is short but very . People love it. Every time we do it people cry (in a good way). It really shows Gods unconditional love for us. I have to fight tears every time we start it. There was one time I was crying at the beginning. The music alone is so powerful. We don't use the same song as the lighthouse skit, but we have a mix of a few different songs that are instrumental. After the skit Daniel Min spoke about faith. It was such a good message. We prayed for quite a few people. I have heard of people getting healed and have seen people get touched by the Holy Spirit, but it has never happened while I was praying for someone. When I have prayed for people in the past that have been sore or not feeling well, they have said they feel better but never healed. While I was praying for a women who had a lump in her arm I physically felt it shrinking!!! My God is real and He heals!!!
While at the church I saw the pastor crack his elbows in the exact same way I do! A few members of my team saw it to and looked at me and laughed! PTL Almost made my day as much as the healings and salvations did.
I don't think I explained our transportation to you yet. We have a 7 passenger vehicle. There are ten members in our team, plus the driver and Akka (our house manager-mother) when she comes with. Thank God India doesnt have rules about how many people can be in one car. They have people sitting on the roof of cars and hanging on outside of the car while driving. So having too many people in one car is no big deal right? Its definitely interesting. Two people in the passenger seat, four people in the two seat in the far back, and the rest in the middle seat. I have never felt so close to the people here. lol Its okay for short trips but the one day we had a two hour car ride one way was painful. All for the sake of His kingdom. Amen
This week we toured the beach and the local university for potential ministry sites. The university is over 100 acres and takes up half of the city!!! We did a prayer walk around just one of the campuses. While we were there God told me "this is why you have come to India". I can not wait to see what God is going to do in the young people here. Declaring a house of prayer on campus!!
Two nights ago we went to a near by village. It was mainly unbelievers. We sang a few songs, did the skit, Esther gave her powerful testimony, and Daniel Kim preached the gospel. It was so powerful. We saw many come to Christ and a few healings. I got to visit the house of a women that we had prayed for last week. When we first met her, she could barely walk, couldnt really eat, or speak. Now she is walking around, talking more and eating. She looks so much healthier. Amen! On the way home we celebrated and worshiped as a family. In that moment I decided this is what I want to do for the rest of my life! Going to the nations, sharing the love of God, healing the broken and setting the captives free!
While being here God has also showed me a few things in my personal life. He has shown me things about my leadership. Giving me discernment on when to be a sister, when to lead, when to follow, and when to give tough love or just be a shoulder to cry on. The hardest part about it all is knowing that someone on my team is going through something and having God tell me to just be a punching bag. Usually when I see someone is going through something, I go to them to talk about it. He has asked me a few times to just allow people to take things out on me. Through that He has brought up things in my life and it also allows people to work through their own things with God. It has taught me to rely on Gods timing on when to address things and how He wants me to handle it. I have learned how to love the crap out of people. Literally loving their junk out of their lives.
Here are the numbers for the outreach thus far:
Total People Preached To: 2,074
Total People Preached the Gospel To: 775
Total People Prayed For: 737
Total Salvations: 28
Total Healings: 70
Re-Commitments: 19
Deliverances: 4
Filled With The Holy Spirit: 28
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37-38
Here I am Lord, send me!!
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