Sunday, January 12, 2014

What is true worship?

Worship looks different in everyone. It's dancing, raising your hands, kneeling down, standing still or even just sitting in his presence. It doesn't matter what you do, what matters is where your heart is. If you are raising your hands because that is what you see everyone else doing or kneeling down because you think it makes you look more "holy", that is not worship. It is fake, your heart is not in it. If your heart is not in it, don't do it. God would rather have you sit down during worship and look bored then to go through the motions. "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth" 
Revelation 3:16.

I love worship, its hands down my favorite part of church. I love to sing, even though I am not that good. When I was younger, I would lock myself in my room and turn on one of my worship dvds. Usually they were from one of the conferences my mom and I had gone to. I loved to listen to Todd Gunovski, Julie Meyer and Misty Edwards. I would play them and dance in my room. I loved to dance even when I wasn't really living a godly lifestyle. Obviously in different ways, but we won't go there. 

When I was about 14 years old, my mom and I were on a women's dance team. It was basically women from a few different churches and their daughters. We would perform at churches, malls and I think they did a wedding or two. I was a part of that for about a year. I would dance in my churches Christmas performances as well. I remember one year my mom and another woman from church were in charge of it. It was amazing. We had a bunch of people involved in it. It turned out great. 

I stopped dancing for worship while in youth group. I don't really remember why I stopped. I think it was a mix of my age, not wanting to look different than the rest of the kids or stand out in any way, not wanting people to look at me or just the fact that I was starting to walk away from my relationship with God. No matter what the reason I stopped worshiping in the way I know He created me to worship. Now I know everyone worships differently. I love every form of worship. No matter what it looks like. I just know for me sometimes singing and raising my hands just isn't enough. Sometimes I gotta DANCE! Almost feel a holy ghost party coming on...maybe later. 

When I stopped I really robbed myself of connecting with God during worship. I would still sing and raise my hand but there was something missing. I just forgot what it was. Since I have really started living my life for God again He has been speaking to me about dancing. He has told me that I should start dancing again, and that He is going to do so much in me and through me when I dance. "Ugh! really God do I have to?? You know how long its been since I have danced like that?? 13 years God 13 years!!!" I like to complain a lot. Usually He responds with one word and makes me laugh. One of the things he said he was going to do through me dancing was really touch the heart of the women here in India. That made matters worse! That added pressure. So during our worship time at our house I would go into the kitchen and dance. It took me a little while to get back into it and I am still working on it. 

My leader saw a vision of me dancing on the stage and how it was touching the hearts of the women and children. Great now I really have to do it. Okay God give me grace. So I made sure to dance every time we had our team worship time. Which meant more and more of the team would see me dance. I am still getting used to that.

The other night we were invited to a village and given an hour and a half slot to fill. We usually only got 30-40 minutes. That was huge! So we were coming up with ideas on how to fill the slot. We already had a skit prepared and a few songs with hand motions, but I heard God say "I want you to dance". So I looked at my leader and said very softly...."I can dance". The team prayed for me and I immediately heard God say, "I am fully restoring you back into the woman I created you to be". Later that night I danced in front of over 100 people in a village. It was amazing, I felt God's presence so strongly. My heart was pounding afterwards. It felt wonderful. 

" But the hour is coming, and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." John 4:23

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