Friday, December 20, 2013

Life in India

We have been in India a little over a week. So far we have only spoken at the local church. We have had a lot of time to really settle into the local culture.
I have realized how little we can really live on. We have running water and a small fridge and electricity. As much as I miss my bed, my car, movies, and the normalcy of American living I realize how much I don't need it.
People here live on so little. They wake up early to start their day before it gets too hot out. Driving around in the local town really makes me want to buy a motorcycle. They are everywhere here. The driving isn't nearly as bad as everyone warned me it would be. I actually quite like it. Im still not used to seeing so many chicken, dogs and cows on the road.
Everyone here stops and stares at us. Sometimes its funny and sometimes its just creepy. The guys here stare and takes pictures. I have to remember to have a gracious heart because the protective side of me wants to yell and them and make them delete the photos they take of us girls. Deep breaths Tiffany...deep breaths.
I am getting really good at killing flies and mosquitos. It helps that they are huge.  I mean they must be on some sort of steroids or something. Its ridiculous.
I have so much time during the day to really seek hard after God. I have never been so hungry for the word. Its amazing. I wake up and read the word. I read in my quiet time. I read before bed. Aw if I could read the Bible in my sleep I would!!! Its so satisfying. God really speaks to me here. I absolutely love it. He is telling me a lot about his plans for my life. What its going to look like and what to do when I get back. 
Life here is good. I cant wait to really start getting into the ministry work. We are preaching to over 100 Hindus tonight so please pray for us. I am preaching at the local church on Sunday. Usually Id be nervous but im actually really excited. Thank God.
While we have been here I have really gotten to know the members on my team on a new level. I love my family here so much. The other night we had a time to really open up to one another. God had me open up which usually I don't let people in and allow myself to feel vulnerable. God asked me to and I listened. I felt so good afterwards. PTL.
It feels like summer here. It doesn't feel like Christmas is in a few days. I hope you all will have a very Merry Christmas. I don't know what we will be doing yet but I know we will be together. It will be a little hard being away from my friends and family for Christmas but God told me He is preparing my mom for not having all of her children there for the holidays. Its a tough lesson but He will provide grace.
Lots of love from India.   

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