I have been in India for two weeks now. Over that time a bunch of little things happened. So instead of writing a bunch of facebook statuses I am going to be completely random on here instead. So bare with me. Hope you enjoy.
Everyone warned me about the driving in India. To be honest its really not bad. I was expecting a lot worse. It doesn't seem like there are many rules on the road. If there are no body follows them. I was told before coming here that everyone honks their horns constantly. I was expecting it to be loud and obnoxious at all times. Its not that bad. There are so many dogs everywhere. Every once in a while there will be a few ox or cows on the road. The other day we drove past a dead dog in the middle of the road. It was cut in half from being run over. The other night while on the way to an event, we witnessed a dog running across the road a few cars ahead of us. he got past our side of the road just fine, but when he went to cross the other side of the street he ran right into a motorcycle. Knocked the motorcycle over. We drove passed as it happened and the dog was screaming and whining so loud i wanted to jump out and help him. It broke my heart. I almost cried. It looked like he broke his back or at least his back two legs. So of course I started praying for healing for the dog. Yes I believe God can heal animals. Don't judge me!
The food in India is amazing. Now I am not talking about restaurants, shops or any other places. We have the honor of having a cook in our home. She is actually the older sister of one of the leaders back in KC. She is such a wonderful mother/older sister. She makes such great curry. I told her she needs to teach me how to cook a few things so I can cook it back home. Some of my favorite meals are a potato curry, an egg curry, a squash breakfast, Indian style crapes mmmm....put a little (or a lot) of nutella on them and i could eat them all day!! So spoiled. Going to gain weight. Thank the Lord for exercise. My stomach really hasn't minded the food so much. For the first week I was going to the bathroom a lot but its all good now. I know you really wanted to know that. Don't deny it.
The other night we were waiting for our driver to arrive to take us to an event. While waiting we did some star gazing. The stars here seem so much closer to us. Depending on the pollution we can see the stars pretty well. Its one of my absolute favorite things to do is look up at the stars. A cool summer night or winter night doesn't really matter. A blanket and the stars. One amazing time. My favorite place to look at the stars is at my parents house. Lay on their dock, looking at the stars, hearing the fish jump....awww heaven.
Im sure this wont be the only random India post i will write. Just a forewarning.
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