Saturday, December 28, 2013

Making Straight my path

First off I want to apologize for my previous post. We had limited time fr internet and I had a lot I needed to get done. So I was extremely scatter brained and kind of just word vomited on the blog post. With that said its my blog and I do what I want! So don't judge. lol just kidding in India is good. The people here are so welcoming (for the most part), its still a little surprising to see people popping a squat on the side of the road. I have gotten used to sleeping on the floor. However i am looking forward to a nice long massage and adjustment when I get home.

While in Kansas City and a lot since I have been in India God has really been speaking to me about the path that He has me on. While in Kansas City I got a few words from people. One of the leaders in the school had a word which said "I saw an old telephone operator station with a bunch of holes and plugs. He is plugging the cords of my life into the right holes. He is aligning the desires of your heart when you were a child into now". While praying one night He showed me a picture. I was walking down a dirt path, trees and bushes were growing on either side of the path. I asked God what it meant. He said "these are the seeds I am planting in your life this season." As I kept walking down the path I came to an exit. He said "I am redirecting your path". I asked Him if I am suppose to move to Kansas City, He said "yes" (saweeeeeeeet!!! Amen). As I went up the exit ramp I was immediately in a car. Jesus was in the back seat. As we exited on to what looked like a highway I asked Him what I am suppose to do in KC. All of a sudden a bright light shown. Everything in front of me was shinning. I couldnt see the steering wheel. He said "As long as I am with you, you dont need to know where the road leads."

For over ten years I have wanted to move to KC. It never worked out. Mainly because of my selfish decisions.  Around the same time God gave me a desire to open a home for young expecting mothers who had no where else to go. A house where they can finish high school, learn how to be a mom, learn how to run a household. Over the years I had forgotten about that dream. I tried to fin my own way and purpose in life. I started school for massage therapy and nursing. I worked in retail. I even became a manager at a few companies. Still something was missing.

While in India God has told me that He has made straight my path. He has made clear my destiny. All I have to do is walk through it. 

Proverbs 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make straight your paths."

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